26 Nov 2006 - Another Sunday with great wind. In the forenoon the wind was perfect but unfortunately dropped in the afternoon. But due to the soft autumn weather we had a lot of visitors. The trees have lost their leaves once again so the webcam is installed again. See Webcam page |
23 Nov 2006 - We are very busy lately. Erwin with the preparations of the television show "Restauratie" in which the Eerde windmill will participate. The miller students are studying hard, the first examination is on hand. But when possible the windmill is put into the wind. |
8 Oct 2006 - Today we had expected more wind. We had some extra time to take some pictures of our grinding process. See Grinding.
1 Oct 2006 - All students are working on different mills in the area. Erwin had to work very hard by himself. There was a lot of wind and he ground 800 kg of malt. On top of that he showed a lot of visitors the windmill whilst grinding. |
4 Sept 2006 - A lot of wind, so the mill ground like in the old days. The malt disappears between the big milling stones and from the flour flows in a steady stream into the bags. |
28 August 2006 - Two machines with rotors in one picture. The traumahelicopter had to assist in the centre of Uden where a person became unwell. The helicopter couldn't land close at the spot where the assistance was needed. Finally it landed next to the windmill of Jetten at the Aalstweg. ![]() |
27 August 2006 - Soccer tournament FC de Rakt. FC de Rakt organises a yearly soccer tournament on the fields around the windmill. The windmill worked all day with in every sail carrying a club flag. |
26 August 2006 - Local residents party Moleneind. In the afternoon games were organized for the children and they were allowed to look around and help in the windmill. ![]() And at night we had a BBQ ![]() Click here, for additional pictures |
20 August 2006 - Mark visited once again en took several wonderful pictures. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
19 and 20 August 2006 - Rugby club Octopus plays an international tournament on the sport fields next to the windmill. They asked us to make some extra atmosphere by letting our windmill work during the tournament ![]() There is a lot of wind and sufficient wheat to grind. Again we enjoy ourselves! |
12 Aug 2006 - Each half hour we are visited by a group of members of a bridgeclub. They are playing a bridgedrive and the group which is not playing pays a visit to the windmill. Due to the lack of wind we can not demonstrate how the windmill produces flour from wheat. |
6 Aug 2006 - Sufficient wind and sufficient malt which has to be ground. ![]() The windmill can grind at last and in no time the interior is clouded with dust. Erwin is as happy as a young child but looks like an old man due to the dust. ![]() |
26 July 2006 - A close relative of the miller passed away. Therefore the windmill is put in mourning position for the next 6 weeks. Mourning position: The sail is put to a halt before it reaches its lowest point. In the South-east of The Netherlands we have a different position than the rest of the country. See also www.molennet.nl |
13 July 2006 - Lots of wind today (4 Bf). With four half sails the windmill has a constant speed of 60 ends (15 rev/min). |
29 June 2006 - The fencing of the sails is coming loose. We got purchased spiral nails, and because there was no wind today we started reparation of the first end. The millwright (Beijk) fixed the disc wheel firmly on the stone axle. Now we have just to wait for wind before we can grind. |
18 June 2006 - A hot Sunday almost without any wind. We put a video camera in our sails and filmed while turning the. You can view them at movies. |
8 June 2006 - A bicycle tour of the ZLTO/KVO (agricultural/elderly association) started and finished at out mill. When the participants enjoyed their drinks and rested a short while they took a good look at our mill. There was little wind, fortunate for cycling but too bad for. |
2th Pentecostday 5 June 2006 - The windmill was specially opened for the cycle sponsor tour Trap-in. ![]() The windmill "Molen van Jetten" sponsored all the pancake flour for the Trap-in pancake-post. At the windmill post number 4 provided soup for the participants. A lot of visitors visited the interiour of our mill. Not everybody had noticed that this opportunity comes up every Thursday night in a much more relaxed manner. A variety of flour products are for sale, such as the pancake flour which we sponsored at the pancake-post. Everybody who thought the queue was too long or had not enough time for a visit is welcom at any Thursday night at our mill. |
1 June 2006 - Erwin has his first anniversary as miller of the Molen van Jetten. Time flys when you have fun. He initially planned to open the mill once a month, but in avarage he opened the mill at least once a week. The revolution counter did not work. Unfortunately, because the mill worked very well and made a lot of revolutions. |
26 Mai 2006 - The bridal couple Van Bree had a photo shoot at the windmill. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating. |
25 Mai 2006 - The stone-wheel had come completely loose. We fixed it firmly this time. All the pancake flour for the cycle tour "Trap-in" had to be mixed and packed. A busy night. |
16 Mai 2006 - 15 pupils of the Bedir school from the group of Mrs Rikie van der Hop visited the mill and had a tour. |
13 Mai 2006 - National mill day. The "Molen van Jetten" participated and was opened from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. A lot of people visited the mill, among them even some Americans. Also the press made an item on the windmill. Kliknieuws/Udens weekblad see: Kliknieuws (Dutch) and Sky-line radio (also Dutch). |
12 Mai 2006 - Former classmates of the primary school from the village Maria-heide reunited at our mill. After a visit to the mill they baked and ate pancakes on the mill-yard. ![]() ![]() |
5 Mai 2006 - Luuk van Kessel visits the mill, asks questions and takes pictures. This to prepare his oral lecture for school. A thunderstorm is heading towards us and the wind suddenly shifts to our rear. We quickly took the canvas from our sails and secured the mill. In the afternoon the bridal couple Lia de Wit and Thieu Schellekens made a photo shoot at our mill. |
28 April 2006 - Roos Langenhuijzen held her oral lecture for school on location. It was nicly crowded with about 22 children in the mill. ![]() Turning the windmill into the wind was very easy with the help of so many hands. We made an extra revolution to distribute the green soap on the mill-seat. This was no problem for the children. Fortunately the weater was in our favor because it made it possible that we even could grind some wheat. ![]() at the end Roos treated every classmate on a little bag of pancake flour. ![]() |
27 April 2006 - A setback again. The stone wheel has loosened. (Probably when we lifted the stone axis on 13 April). First this problem has to be solved before we can start grinding again. The job first seems simple but the heavy wheel has to be placed correctly and at the right height. Then it has to be fixed with wooden wedges. To let the wheel work properly it has to be lined out on the axis. Fortunately Erwin en Patrick have solved this problem before, but it took them almost all night to fix it. |
23 April 2006 - The mill is open in support of an organized cycletour by the Stichting Udense kersen-boomgaard (Foundation cherry-orchard Uden). This foundation celibrates it's 10th anniversary. In the old days a cherry-orchard was very close to the windmill. Below a picture taken from the windmill. ![]() You are welcome to visit us. |
8 April 2006 - The windmill was open all day to brighten up the opening of the new clubhouse of the Red Sox baseballclub. In the morning we had a perfect firm wind witch died away slowly in the afternoon. |
30 March 2006 - A thursdaynight with perfect wind (4 Beaufort). A lot of customers found their way to our little shop. |
26 March 2006 - The windmill has worked all day. The wind varied in force and for the windmill and miller it was a time of racing and standing still. |
24 March 2006 - The "Buurter" (neighbour) of the Brabants Dagblad (paper) liked the pancakes he made from our pancake-flour. |
19 March 2006 - The mill has worked all day. It was a pleasant day due to all the visitors which came to have a look at the windmill. |
17 March 2006 - A nice article in the Brabants Dagblad (paper). article (Dutch) Brabants Dagblad - 17 March 2006 |
16 March 2006 - The website has had more then 1000 visitors. 15th of Januar we started this website. And already more then 1000 visitors looked at our site. In the registrationfile it shows that a lot of visitors return to our site frequently. This is a stimulation to us to keep this site updated. |
9 March 2006 - The evening started almost without wind. Later in the evening, when Mark visited the mill for a brief time, the wind got stonger and the mill worked nicely. Time flies when your having fun and just in time we had rolled up our sailcloth when the light went out at 00:00 hours. |
26 feb 2006 - Gerard Schampers, the old mayor of Uden from 1964 till 1987, passed away last Sunday afternoon on the age of 84. The sails of the mill are placed in the mourning position. ![]() The sails are stopped before the lowest sail reaches its lowest position. In the South-East of the Netherlands this position differs from the rest of our country. See www.molennet.nl (Dutch) |
26 Feb 2006 - Today the mill has worked all day. We also ground some wheat but the wind let us down occasionally. The weather was perfect to take some pictures. ![]() ![]() |
24 Feb 2006 - Finally wind! We had a lot of fun while the mill worked franticly. |
23 Feb 2006 - No wind today. We had a lot of visitors instead. Almost sold out of flour. We will have to provide new.
16 Feb 2006 - Locale Broadcasting company "Skyline TV" made an item on our mill. ![]() Click to view the broadcasted item. |
9 Feb 2006 - Some wind at last (NW 4-5). The flour-sweepers are working great. The flour is swirling through the mill. We were visited by some enthusiastic people who were very fond of our mill. ![]() The inside is covered by a thin layer of flour ![]() in some places the layer is thicker ![]() the clean spots on our gear shows where the cogs and bars touch |
![]() We have cleaned the stones and attached some flour-sweepers. The flour-sweepers make sure that no flour stays behind between the stone and the tub. |
There are a lot of reasons for putting the sales into the cross position (like X) It means the mill is in the "longer rest" position. Generally the mill works only once a week. In the old days this would be a very long rest. Also it prevents people from climbing into the sails. A third reason: We like it this way! |